eZaango Care Partners
Particpant Pro

Achieve More with Participant Pro!

Ensuring NDIS Participants Are Always Informed and Engaged.

Stay Updated with Every Shift and Appointment

Understanding the challenge of staying informed, Participant Pro feature ensures that NDIS participants are always updated on their schedules. With real-time updates on shifts and appointments, this feature eliminates the uncertainty and confusion often experienced in managing schedules.

It supports participants to be proactive in their care, fostering a sense of control and involvement in their journey. By providing clear and timely information, participant pro bridges the communication gap between participants and their NDIS providers, ensuring no important appointment or shift is missed.

How eZaango Participant Pro Add-on helps?

  • Participant Pro ensures timely updates on shifts, enhancing participants' ability to effectively manage their daily schedules.

  • Bridges communication gaps, fostering a stronger, more informed connection with NDIS providers.

  • Enhances participant autonomy by offering clear visibility in their transactions, and NDIS funding.

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Stay Updated
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Survey Submission
Easy Survey

Easy Survey Submission

Surveys play an essential role in shaping the quality of NDIS services. With Participant Pro, submitting surveys becomes a seamless experience, ensuring participant voice is always heard. This feature facilitates easy feedback on services and support workers, contributing to enhanced care quality.

Participants can share their experiences and opinions through surveys, this directly impact the improvement and customisation in NDIS services. The simplicity of this process encourages more frequent and honest feedback, leading to better-customised support that aligns with participants specific needs and goals.

How eZaango Participant Pro Add-on helps?

  • Submit surveys easily, directly influence service quality and customisation to better meet participants specific NDIS needs.

  • A simple survey submission enables NDIS service providers to make continuous improvement in NDIS service delivery.

  • Enhanced feedback mechanism through easy surveys, foster better alignment of services for participants personal goals.

Easy Survey Submission

Surveys play an essential role in shaping the quality of NDIS services. With Participant Pro, submitting surveys becomes a seamless experience, ensuring participant voice is always heard. This feature facilitates easy feedback on services and support workers, contributing to enhanced care quality.

Participants can share their experiences and opinions through surveys, this directly impact the improvement and customisation in NDIS services. The simplicity of this process encourages more frequent and honest feedback, leading to better-customised support that aligns with participants specific needs and goals.

How eZaango Participant Pro Add-on helps?

  • Submit surveys easily, directly influence service quality and customisation to better meet participants specific NDIS needs.

  • A simple survey submission enables NDIS service providers to make continuous improvement in NDIS service delivery.

  • Enhanced feedback mechanism through easy surveys, foster better alignment of services for participants personal goals.

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Participant Pro

Lead the Way in NDIS Care, See the Benefits of Participant Pro for Your Clients.

Effortlessly Request Services When Needed

The ability to request services promptly and efficiently is a key aspect of managing participant care plan. Participant Pro simplifies this process, allowing participants to request required services with ease. This feature eliminates the usual complexities and delays often associated with service requests.

With just a few clicks, participant can communicate their needs directly to service providers, it ensures timely and appropriate support. This not only enhances participant experience but also ensures that participants care is continuously aligned with their evolving needs, making their NDIS journey more responsive and tailored to their unique situation.

How eZaango Participant Pro Add-on helps?

  • Quickly request services directly through the app, ensuring timely support that aligns with participants current needs.

  • Simplify participants care experience with hassle-free service requests, enhancing responsiveness and personalisation of care.

  • Streamline communication with providers, enabling faster and more accurate adjustments to participants service plan.

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Request Services
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Easy Track

Participant Can Easily Track Their Meetings

Keeping track of meetings is essential in the NDIS journey, where each interaction can significantly impact participant plan and progress. Participant Pro makes it straightforward for participants to track all their meetings. This functionality ensures that participants or their loved ones always prepared and up to date with their schedule.

It reduces the likelihood of missed meetings, enhancing the effectiveness of your NDIS plan. By having a clear overview of past and upcoming meetings, one can better prepare for discussions, follow-ups, and plan ahead, making each meeting more productive and aligned with participants goals.

How eZaango Participant Pro Add-on helps?

  • Participant can easily track all their NDIS meetings, ensuring they're always prepared and never miss an important discussion.

  • Stay organised with a clear overview of upcoming and past meetings, enhancing every participant planning and participation.

  • Effectively manage schedule, making each meeting more productive and aligned with NDIS objectives.

Participant NDIS Funding Details

Understanding and managing NDIS funding is a critical part of a participant's journey. Participant Pro simplifies this by offering an easy way to track funding details. This feature allows participants to monitor their budget, understand expenditure, and plan future services more effectively.

Having real-time access to funding information empowers participants to make informed decisions about their care. It reduces financial uncertainties and helps in efficiently allocating resources. By providing a clear picture of funding status, the participant login ensures that participants are always informed about their financial standing within the NDIS framework.

How eZaango Participant Pro Add-on helps?

  • Participants can easily monitor their NDIS budget in real-time, enabling effective planning and utilisation of available financial resources.

  • Participants stay informed about the expenditure, ensuring a clear understanding of their financial position in NDIS plan.

  • Efficiently manage and allocate their NDIS funds, making informed decisions for current and future care needs.

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NDIS Funding

Why Us

Customised Solutions

Customised Solutions

We at eZaango Care Partners do not believe in the one shoe fits all philosophy. We rather like to custom-build solutions for all your requirements.

Ongoing Support

Ongoing Support

We understand how complex your business is and hence are there with you every step of the way. From onboarding to smooth sailing for you...

Reliable Technology

Reliable Technology

We put our trust in your business and guarantee an uptime of 99.9%. We know how crucial every minute is and hence give you an uptime like no other.

Anytime Anywhere

Anytime Anywhere

With eZaango Care Partner’s software set on the desktop as well as the mobile app, you do not have to always be on your computer screen...

Participant Pro

Download our brochure to see how Participant Pro enhances their control and experience.