eZaango Care Partners
hr management software

Transforming Disability Accommodation Management

Experience Enhanced Efficiency and Empowerment with eZaango's NDIS Software

Effortless Invoicing and Payroll Management

Simplifies the invoicing process for services provided, ensuring accuracy and timeliness in billing. It also efficiently manages payroll, handling timesheets and expenses with ease. By integrating these financial aspects into a single system, the software reduces the administrative workload, minimises errors, and improves overall financial tracking. This allows providers to focus more on delivering quality care rather than being bogged down by complex financial processes.

How does eZaango Care Management Software help?

  • Smooth integration of invoicing and payroll, ensuring no errors or time wastage hiccups in financial operations.

  • Automates complex financial tasks, reducing administrative burden and error risk, enhancing focus on quality care delivery.

  • Provides a consolidated financial data manager for accurate visibility on billing and payroll, key in excellent service delivery.

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Payroll Management
Effortless Invoicing
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Manage Your Accommodations

You can streamline the management of accommodation shifts for NDIS SDA providers. The feature efficiently manages accommodation shifts for all participants, ensuring that no shift is overlooked, and every shift is easily recognised.

Additionally, it offers the functionality to print shift schedules, which can then be distributed to the accommodations or the support workers. This enhances the overall organisation and care coordination, making the process more streamlined and reducing the likelihood of scheduling errors or miscommunications.

How does eZaango Care Management Software help?

  • Streamlines shift management, ensuring no missed or unrecognised shifts for participants in accommodation facilities.

  • Facilitates printing and delivery of shift schedules to accommodations and support workers for enhanced organisation.

  • Improves coordination and reduces scheduling errors, enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of care provision.

Accommodation, SIL, SDA

Discover how eZaango NDIS Software makes your SIL and SDA management effortless and efficient!

Streamlining SIL Management

The NDIS software from eZaango Care Partners significantly supports SIL Managers by automating and optimising various administrative tasks. It enables effective shift management, ensuring that all participant shifts in accommodations are properly scheduled and tracked, preventing any missed shifts.

The software's all-in-one platform for managing SIL and SDA reduces the administrative workload. This is achieved through features that allow for easy rostering, scheduling, and client management. By streamlining these processes, SIL Managers can focus more on providing quality care and less on manual, time-consuming administrative duties.

How does eZaango Care Management Software help?

  • eZaango's software automates shift management, ensuring efficient scheduling and tracking of participant shifts in SIL accommodations.

  • The platform offers a comprehensive solution for SIL and SDA that reduces administrative workload for managers.

  • With eZaango, SIL Managers gain enhanced client management capabilities, enabling more focused, quality care delivery.

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SIL Management
Streamline SIL Management
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Integrated Communication Portal

The eZaango software could benefit from an "Integrated Communication Portal" feature. It would provide a centralised platform for SIL managers to communicate effectively with staff, participants, and other stakeholders. Enables real-time messaging, schedule updates, and important notifications. This feature would streamline communication processes.

It would ensure that all parties are promptly informed about changes or important information, enhancing coordination and reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings or delays in service provision. Such a portal could also facilitate client feedback collection, contributing to continuous service improvement.

How does eZaango Care Management Software help?

  • Instant communication among staff, enhancing coordination and response times for SIL management and care delivery.

  • Keeps everyone informed about schedule changes and important updates, ensuring smooth operations in SIL and SDA environments.

  • Simplifies gathering of client feedback, helping SIL managers to keep improving service quality and client satisfaction.

Why Us

Customised Solutions

Customised Solutions

We at eZaango Care Partners do not believe in the one shoe fits all philosophy. We rather like to custom-build solutions for all your requirements.

Ongoing Support

Ongoing Support

We understand how complex your business is and hence are there with you every step of the way. From onboarding to smooth sailing for you...

Reliable Technology

Reliable Technology

We put our trust in your business and guarantee an uptime of 99.9%. We know how crucial every minute is and hence give you an uptime like no other.

Anytime Anywhere

Anytime Anywhere

With eZaango Care Partner’s software set on the desktop as well as the mobile app, you do not have to always be on your computer screen...

Accommodation, SIL, SDA

See how our solution can enhance daily living. Download our free brochure to explore your options!